Today’s video is about a very serious form of abuse and domestic violence that isn’t widely understood or talked about. Financial Abuse. Financial abuse is a very severe and damaging form of abuse and one of the narcissists favorite tactics. This video will explain what financial abuse is, what it looks like and ways you can protect yourself.

Jill Wise, otherwise known as The Enlightened Target, is a life long survivor of narcissistic abuse. She has endured the extremes of parental alienation and understands the complexities of CPTSD. She spent years healing from the years of trauma she experienced and now uses her experience and what she has learned to help other victims who are going through narcissistic abuse and / or parental alienation. She is also a certified Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Coach. If you are struggling with narcissistic abuse, parental alienation, Complex PTSD or all three, and feel you would benefit from narcissistic abuse recovery coaching, please visit her website linked below or send her an email at She conducts face to face sessions over the computer, or via phone, email or text. Many times getting the support and guidance from someone who has gone through this is a necessary step.


To connect with an online licensed therapist, the link below will direct you to BetterHelp where you can find a qualified therapist and receive therapy from the comfort of your home.
Please click on this link to get connected:
Jill is sponsored by BetterHelp and receives a small commission on referrals. She only recommends services that she trusts.


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