Everything you need to know to create an effective multimedia system for conducting advertising, marketing, and sales on the Internet. The Internet is revolutionizing the way that businesses are doing their marketing worldwide. Now every marketer faces the challenge of learning a new set of marketing tools — the kind of tools that will be most effective in building your marketing presence on the Internet. Marketing on the Internet is your introduction to the new and powerful multimedia part of the Internet called the World Wide Web. It shows you how to get access to the Web, and how to build multimedia Web pages that give Internet users access to your marketing and sales information. Also find out how to: Get a business connection on the Internet Use HTML to design virtual storefronts with graphics, sound, and hypertext documents for use on the World Wide Web Design Web pages that are easy for customers to use Incorporate an online multimedia strategy into your marketing plan Obtain free copies of Mosaic, Lynx, HTML editors, and other WWW software Avoid committing serious breaches of Internet etiquette that could damage your business reputation


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